Ideas on how to become rich - Financial Management - what the rich do in a down market - SUMMARY

Ideas on how to become rich -
Financial Management - what the rich do in a down market - SUMMARY

Here is a quick summary of the various ideas on basic financial management:

Don't let your financial or retirement or money plan be an accident
Everyone needs an advisor - and there are different kinds of advisors
Build your financial house based upon your financial personality
Combine your dreams into a plan
Have the two major strategies to win the battle for investment survival
Know where you are going
Mix and don't match
Do not be your own enemy - mind your mind, and thereby mind yourself
The jockey matters as much as the horse
Ride out financial storms
Build your house on rocks
Use numbers to calm your mind and calm yourself
Don't smother your own personal/ financial dreams
Take the road less travelled
Remember to ask and answer the right financial questions *Who are you?*
Determine correctly your investment outlook and selection *What works for you?*

You can also access easily the articles on financial management by Sally Klaus below:

Financial management part 1
Financial management part 2
Financial management part 3
Financial management part 4
Financial management part 5
Financial management part 6
Financial management part 7

Special thanks to Sally Klaus for her kind and invaluable contributions on Financial Management: What the Rich Do in a Down Market.
More investment knowledge and important concepts, finance or investment articles, data, and other finance/ investment-related ideas to come here in future posts... thanks for staying here with us. Thanks for reading!

Ideas on how to become rich!