Ideas on How to Become Rich - finding the right path

Ideas on How to Become Rich - Finding the right path

Hi folks, I attended a conference just two days ago with some other chief executives together with some leaders from South Africa, and the talks eventually focussed on how to give empowerment and wealth to the people of the land, whether South Africa or Asian country.

The ideas on how to become rich became a central theme in the talks because there are lots of wealth out there, lots of riches out there-- waiting for the right people with the right mindset to come and get them.

In my last blog, I shared about the pathfinder or the path blazer who has to tread on the treacherous roads using horses and animals. Riding narrow pathways to success is hardwork and more hardwork. Some CEos told me that they work a 70-80 hour week. Wow, their passion is tremendous and their energy is enormous..

However there is the wide road that is easy but full of distractions. When the African delegates talked about their compatriots who did not spend time toiling in their fields instead while away their time joining the military rebels hoping for a better pot of gold, their lands become barren lands , wind -blown and sun-burnt. Such distractions caused many people to suffer when all they have to do is find pot of gold right beneath their feet. The tilling of golden corn, the harvesting of cacao and the collecting of long sheaths of wheat at the end of summer are all manifestations of the golden opportunities which they lost in trying to find the easy way out - by joining the rebels without really much cause.

The wide path to success is actually opened to all of us. It is our own fear of becoming rich that frightens us. What we need is to learn the millionaire mindset. Many multimillionaires or billionaires would have told you the same things:

a) spiritual health is vital for your right focus. When you focus on doing well in your field, you must acknowledge that having all the wealth in the world will not make you happy, it is the spiritual path that works for all of us. Finding peace from the higher order by being clear minded that you must be grateful for whatever you have. This spirit of gratitude enables you to focus on expansion of your work. It gives you energy.

The reason why Tiger Woods strayed from his path of success into wayward behaviour is that he thinks he is great; he alone is able to achieve so much.. He became ungrateful so he decided that he had the right to mess with his life. Now he has wasted lots of time rehabilitating while other golfers go on practising their skills. Gratitude is the spiritual path that rich people must take in order to achieve even greater wealth.

b) Priority management is another thing you need to do in this wide path to success. Easy road means you need to prioritise what you really can do and what you are supposed to do to achieve the wealth waiting for you.

Priority managing your life means that you are unlocking and creating new perspectives that will lead to wealth. In the last few decades, you can see the great number of things which are now common objects: handphones, computers, new consumer appliances etc.. these are created by the rich people with great ideas. Riches are part of your creation. You need to prioritise your life so that you have time to think how to become rich. Do not clutter your life with small things, meaningless worries about little expenses, rather asked yourself, what I can do to achieve more money to buy all these stuff.

I know one CEO whose net worth is about $300 million. She told me that she does not worry about spending how much, she wants to know how much she can earn to continue to enjoy this spending.. so she is very generous towards her staff and employees and thus her business continues to grow because her priority is right and her treatment of her workers are right , thus creating more and more wealth for her business and her staff.

The question at the end of each day should be what is productive, positive and will lead me to produce greater wealth -both material and spiritual so that I can empower myself to become rich and others to become wealth too. Wealth shared is riches doubled.

c)riding the right vehicle on this wide road. In narrow paths, you need a sturdy horse and a good co-rider. In the wide path which is open to all, you need to find the right vehicle - it could be a car, a bicycle or even a pair of rollerskates. The idea is to use the right means to enable you to transport from one point to another easily. Plan your route - where to go - what you like to do and what is the fastest way there?

Communicate with others to get things done. Do not do things alone unless you cannot help it. Talk to people and you get inputs for your success. Like Robert Kiyosaki said you should use other people's money, so you should use other people's ideas and renovate them into really your own modified version of invention. Some inventors did not first invent their stuff, they redeveloped other people's ideas which may not be working for them and re-do and re-package into their own and then they succeeded where others failed. This is because of the value-added energy they put into it. So renovate some old ideas or look for old things to repackage and redesign.

The last thing you need to do in this wide road with lots of distractions is to plan well and play smart so that you achieve your financial success and the pot of gold which you are looking for .

The motherhood of success is already established. It is thus up to us to go and grab the wealth - by building up enough passion, compassion and active listening to your guts.

In my next blog I will share in some detail , some of the money- making ideas for poor countries (means poor people who could be rich) which the African delegates shared recently and would want to bring those ideas into fruition so that money is there for everyone. Poverty can be eradicated in this world, if we only believe and overcome our fear of being too rich!

So what are you waiting for?
Just do it!
Sally Klaus

Ideas on How to Become Rich