Case study: Robert Kiyosaki, part 3

Case study: Robert Kiyosaki, part 3

This is the third and last instalment on my research into Robert Kiyosaki's ideas and sayings on how to become rich. I will be using Kiyosaki as a case study to learn ideas on how to become rich by considering what he actually does to make money. In the previous two posts, I analysed what he teaches and preaches to people on how to make money, as well as the controversies surrounding his thinking and writings. In this post I will analyse what he actually does to make money and ask the central question whether we can take him as a case study to make money.

Firstly, just to recap, these are the materials that I have researched and talked about in the previous two posts on Robert Kiyosaki:

These are the key central money and financial ideas from Rich Dad Poor Dad as well as other books written by Robert Kiyosaki:

1. financial independence comes about from investing, real estate, owning businesses, and the use of finance protection methods and mechanisms

2. do not be an employee, but be someone who controls the means of production
3. formal education is not the correct education in the knowledge based economy

4. we can earn money using passive income and active income, not just active income alone

5. The Cashflow Quadrant idea according to Robert Kiyosaki - ESBI:
Employees work for others
Selfemployed owners are their own boss earning money
Big business owner with a system of making money
Investor who spends money to earn money

6. Financial literacy is important.

In addition, I also covered why these cannot be believed as ideas on how to become rich, as there are several controversies surrounding Robert Kiyosaki's methods on how to make money and his ideas about finance, money, education, and the like.

These controversies and counter reasons, in my own personal opinion, were:

1. that there are no details and no particulars, only generalities.

2. there is no way of differentiating between fact and fiction in Robert Kiyosaki's writing, and so that might pose a problem.

3. Kiyosaki is very repetitive, and although in my first post on Robert Kiyosaki I wrote on his book Rich Dad, it turns out that many consider his other books very similar to that one - and Robert Kiyosaki has only a very few and limited ideas on how to make money

4. Robert Kiyosaki makes his money writing books, giving seminars, selling board games, and is known to do MLM. These may make him a lot of money, but are these skills replicable and do they help his readers in their quest to learn how to make money and how to be financially literate? Perhaps not.

5. There is no one who can sum up what Robert Kiyosaki says and teaches properly, accurately and in a succinct manner because what he writes is so vague, that everyone reading it has a different perspective and a different opinion on what was written. This is unlike Warren Buffett, because what Buffett has written and talked about has come from Benjamin Graham's analyses and there have been many documented sources.

Now the question is, can we use this statement in my research to learn ideas on how to become rich? "Robert Kiyosaki makes his money writing books, giving seminars, selling board games, and is known to do MLM." It seems only fair that we work from this premise, since this is what he actually does to make his money. Here is the analysis:

Writing Books to become rich

This is a good way of making money, if you can write, if people like to read your writing, if you have good ideas, if you can express yourself fluently, if you can cook something up that people want... there are many factors involved. It is only a good way of making money if you are able to have all the factors come together in your favour. Robert Kiyosaki should not be the role model in this sense, because you would be better of emulating JR Rowling or other famous authors or novelists.

However, if you do ultimately intend to write financial books and make money this way, the catch is that you would have to be famous for making money first before you can write books on how to make money. That is to say, with the probably rare exception of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, other financial books' authors were rich and famous before they wrote those books. Trump, Buffett, Lynch and other such authors for example.

What Kiyosaki has done is rather rare, so I would say that it is harder to make money this way. By comparison, other authors who are creative make a lot of money by writing fantasy, stories, and in the case of Dan Brown, even nonsensical stuff that criticises established society also makes him famous, and even movies can come out of his stories. Therefore, if you intend to use Kiyosaki's idea of writing books to make money - try to write novels, as that is more lucrative; unless of course, you can pull off what he has done - to make money out of writing financial advice.

Giving Seminars - in particular, motivational seminars

One might be inclined to say that this is not a good way of making money, but according to my research, this is one of the best ways of becoming rich if you are so inclined. In fact, Anthony Robbins is going to be the subject of my next case study on how to become rich by looking at some rich people.

Motivational seminars did rather well for Kiyosaki, and also did rather well for Tony Robbins, so that is worth one entire post for Robbins and how he made his money speaking motivational stuff to millions worldwide, and how we can learn from what he has done.

Selling board games (in particular board games that make money)

This is a good one. Kiyosaki has also cunningly written his books in such a way that there is the sales aspect of his board games inside. What I mean is that, while he writes about financial literacy and other motivational aspects, he also puts advertisements of his games into his writing, and some of his books are designed around the sale of his board games. That is, some of his writing is no more than mere sales pitches for the real product - his own games.

We can learn the idea of developing board games or for that matter, modern times you see, online games or online board games because that might be a very good idea on how to make money. Selling these games and promoting their use would be very good, and such games, if popular could make you a winner. This goes beyond Kiyosaki now - Monopoly, Hotel, and other such games come to mind, because these help people learn about finance while playing games, and you can make money selling the complements to the games as well as the substitutes. Couple this with some business seminars and the idea is complete. I adopted all these key ideas from reading about Kiyosaki's life and methods on how to make money - running a business seminar, while using and selling your board games, seems to be a very good winner. Might be worth a try!

MLM - not going to be discussed here, but in future posts, analyses and research will be devoted to this topic specially

MLM (or the famous or even infamous Multi Level Marketing) is one big, complex thing that will be dealt with in another series, not right now.

That's the end of the Kiyosaki case study, and hope you learnt some stuff out of it! In the next post, the final case study in my case study series, before I resume other financial articles. I will be dealing with Anthony Robbins and his methods on how to make money - motivational seminars. Do stay tuned, thank you very much and cheers!

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Ideas on how to get rich!