How to become rich making money online 3

How to become rich making money online 3

This is the third and last instalment for this series on making money online basics and ideas that I will be writing. I may add more instalments on various themes related to making money online in future, but currently this is the end of my research into this area. As I've mentioned several times, this is an "ideas for money making" blog and isn't intended in any way to sell my products (anyways I have none and besides I'm not selling things). I will try to cover everything that I haven't in the last two posts in this one and summarise and conclude my findings and research into the very interesting topic of making money online via advertisements. After this series I will be looking into other financial devices such as CDs, mutual funds, investment analyses and the like. I also intend to do some interview skills, job hunting skills, questions to prepare for interviews, CVs, ideas on how to find a job or find a suitable occupation and the like. (I got all these ideas from Yahoo Answers, because many people ask these questions. This shows that there are many possible avenues to find information and resources anyways, and besides I should give my readers and customers what they want! Hoho.)

Here in this post, I will be talking about SEO. And common sense. And research. And then I will offer a summary of the entire series that I wrote on.

There is a famous blogger called "Grizzly" who has found out a method of making money online, which was basically outlined in my article. I based most of my research into his epic blog, which literally had posts 3000 words long each time. I reiterate that there are many ways of making money online, but Griz's ideas in his "make money online for beginners" was my main inspiration and source, because personally I felt that it was way better than trying to be an A list blogger (which I am not) and that the system he proposed somehow made more sense for me, and if it worked for him, then it might work for me as well. In short: that's why the focus of my articles has been to make money via advertisements on webpages as a central theme.

In any case, SEO was one of the things that he dealt with in his blog and the key idea is that if one wants to make money with a website, be it a website selling things or a blog, one has to make the site rise in the rankings and appear on any major search engines. This is the key to success in making more visitors read and go to your webpages. Of course the key question is how. How do we get Google to index the webpage? This will get a bit technical, so bear with me while I drill out the basics.

Writing articles that are original and new will give value and send your webpage higher in the rankings. The older your webpage, the better and more established it is. Keywords are words that people type into the search engines in order to find your blog or your website, and hence, they are very important in enabling google to find your site on the Internet. Backlinks, links that people use to find out, or in other words, links that point from other websites to your own website, are the final and most important way in which you can rise up the internet rankings. All these add up to become SEO, which is basically search engine optimisation, where in a sense, you optimise your site in order to make it easier to find on the Internet. The logic is clear and undeniable - just be found more easily, and you will make more money from advertisements, and it's as simple as that. The difficulty of course, is in actually doing it.

Common Sense

Next I would like to talk about common sense. There are many online offers to make sure you that get SEO or you get placed high in the rankings. This seems to be a good idea to invest your money in IF obviously you make more money than it costs to pay for the high rankings.

There are a few ways to reach the higher parts of the ranking and appear on the search engines. One is to literally buy your way there, and buy your position. That will cost you money, and as I said, some common sense is needed, and also if you want to turn professional and really earn money online, then you need to invest a lot of time and effort. The second method is to buy backlinks or join linkfarms, but then again, this might backfire, this might not work, and you still pay lots of money to have it done.

Note that if you want things to be free and not pay any money, you can still make money online, but never huge sums of $5000 a month or so that people claim on their websites, and certainly not $500,000 a year. If you pay money, you have a chance of earning that and it's not guaranteed that you'll succeed either, so stand warned. It'd be very natural that the people selling the products would claim that everyone can do it and that everyone can earn the money that they can; I don't know if it's true, but do be a bit skeptical of ludicrous claims.

In simple words: use some common sense and look around for alternative offers or different offers or better offers if you really want to invest your money into making money online. Common sense dictates that you invest your time and effort properly and ensure that you buy the needed and right products to make money off your blog or webpage. Common sense also dictates that you visit various sites on SEO, page ranks,,, the advertising companies and the online money advertisers, the referrers etc, and all other related websites to find out what you need to know.

Common sense also leads on to the next topic, reading and researching.


Some recommended starting points:

1. Read the earlier two posts in my blog here on making money online and decide for yourself what you would like to do, and how you'd like to make money online for yourself

2. Settle on the time, resources and interests needed - then do some online research by surfing the net

3. Visit all the websites related to the ideas listed above and in my other articles here on my blog - SEO (many sites on that!), Google adsense, TLA, Yahoo, etc.

4. Apply common sense and take out of consideration the sites that you don't need or don't want, or seem seedy or untrustworthy. I am rather skeptical by nature and I would strongly suggest you apply some skepticism to products that people hawk. Skepticism applies here also: you should research on everything I say and not take my word for it, and besides the approach I take throughout this ideas on how to make money blog is to suggest approaches and review ideas.

5. Visit sites and make your decisions after some time. All the best, if you do choose to make money online using advertisements!

Bear in mind also the other possibilities, apart from my focus on making money online via advertisements (by the way, Yahoo offers online publishers money as well, and offers their own kinds of ads that rival googles - there is some oligopolistic competition here I'd say). I list them below to remind you of your various options in this very very vast topic:

Various options and ways to make money online (repeat article)

Do online paid surveys and online polls that companies conduct

Also, there is something related that someone pointed out to me, so I will add it in here: there are some companies that offer online data entry jobs. Do data entry online. I have no idea what these do though, but I can extrapolate from normal data entry jobs, that you get to be paid by staying at home, working from home, and all you do is basically typing. Do find out more about making money online via data entry, and then try it if that is your kind of thing.

Run an online business. That is, sell and buy things on the Internet.

Do free e-books and then later charge for them online, selling e-books to people

Gamble on online casinos (and in some cases, people claim to have a system that can beat online casinos)

Design beautiful websites and blogs and sell them for money

Be an A-list pro blogger and get paid tonnes of money in advertisements, endorsements, articles, etc...

writing essays and writing literature papers and exam papers for students and desperate teachers to download.

Alright. Thanks for reading thus far. This concludes my making money online series in my blog on
ideas on how to become rich. Stay tuned for more interesting and diverse financial topics!