Ideas on How to Become Rich - getting the right mentors for acquiring wealth

Ideas on How to Become Rich - getting the right mentor

Hi today I would like to share with you about using mentors to become wealthy and rich. I learned from young that our lives are too short to commit all the mistakes by ourselves and learning through all those failures that happened in our lives. So it is more effective to use mentors and learn how to avoid certain pitfalls as well as to master certain techniques which are already tried by these rich mentors.

The first thing in searching for mentorship is to read books on all the mentors in the field you are interested to develop in. For example, if you are keen in becoming a chef or baker, then read books on famous chefs and bakers; how they acquire success, fame and riches in this field . Check out what ingredients they use to make the extra nice stuff which differentiates them from others and other interesting information about them.

After reading about your mentors or successfully rich people and their journey towards riches and success, you then make a decision as to how to contact them or meet them in person. Watch out for their schedules via reports in major tabloids and television appearances etc.. about their lives and what are their routine etc.. It is possible to write to them first if they have contact addresses or email addresses. If they respond to you, then the next step is to try to meet them face to face.

Powerful rich tycoons, moguls or even magnate are ordinary people too. They have ordinary lives too if you observe their lifestyles. So, you can actually make contact with them or attend functions in which they may attend so that you can come to a close-up look at them. Observe their behaviour, their speech and their way of handing crisis or business . In this way, you learned via observation and personal visual judgement.

The next thing you could do is to emulate or imitate these rich people by attending networking events to get to know more people and get contacts to start your successful business to becoming rich. The people you meet at networking sessions can become your customers in due course . In doing this regularly, you will then have a reportoire of contacts and people to become your possible customers and you can then work on how to use them for your journey to riches and wealth.This is because it is much easier to sell to people you know than people who are strangers. The cost of doing business with familiar people is cheaper han with total strangers.

So learning about mentors , better still, learning with mentors would be a great start to a rich and powerful journey if you are a rookie in your field. Whatever you do, it is definitely better to learn from others and improve on them , than to reinvent the wheel and start from scratch o gaining riches and clients. Learning well enhances personal growth and wealth.

Think about the mentors you want to get now and who knows, you may land one face to face - free mentoring when the chance comes along possibly in the future. Always believe that you can be rich if you make the effort to jump into whatever opportunities that come your way..

Best of luck in your search for rich and successful mentors ...

Thank you for reading and cheers

Sally Klaus
Ideas on How to Become Rich