Ideas on How to Become Rich - Finding wealth DNA inside you

Ideas on How to Become Rich

Hi I would like to discuss the idea of finding the wealth DNA inside you.
Finding your strengths or your unique strengths and talents (UST) is like searching for the wealth DNA inside you.

Often times we do not really search our hearts and souls for the real reason why we are not able to be powerfully rich and successful. This is because many of you do not spend time searching for the wealth DNA inside you or what I refer to as the unique strengths and talents (UST), which is similar to the marketing concept of USP (Unique selling points) so we have our very own unique strengths which we should tap on to become rich and powerful.

People like Jack Ma, CEO of Alibaba from China are not even handsome or tall. They are hideous to the point of being labelled ugly. Yet their physical appearance did not deter them from seeking their personal DNA or UST.

One of the things which the rich and powerful people in China mentioned very often is the strength that is within you must be harnessed so that you can face all odds. Now, China has thousands and thousands of millionaires and billionaires. They live very luxurious lives and can compare with the Western tycoons such as Bill Gates or Donald Trump.

They are not tall nor handsome nor rich to begin with. They are mere ordinary human beings who found the right wealth DNA or their inner strength through UST utilisation. They dare to use their talents such as singing if you have, dancing if you have, working 18 hours a day if you must and a persistent spirit of NEVER, NEVER , NEVER GIVE UP (words taken from Winston Churchill during the Second World War when he was the Premier of England) .

I too become rich in believing in my own strength of using hardwork and perseverance. Dicipline yourself to search for what you are looking for, and you will sure to succeed. It is digging for diamonds or searching for oil in the deep. The harder you dig , the greater will be your find. However many people give up halfway when they are about to succeed and this is very sad. Their loss is unaccountable.

I want to end with a story which touched my heart very much. There was once a man who bought a piece of land. This land was said to have oil beneath it. The man started by digging and drilling. This went on for months and he still did not find any oil or mineral underneath the piece of land he bought.

So after so many months of effort, money and time, he decided to give up and sold the land cheaply to a friend, who felt sorry for him. So when the friend bought over, he continued digging since the place was full of holes and craters as a result of the digging.

After a short while, less than a month later, he found oil and other minerals underneath. It took him by surprise because if only his friend had not given up, he would have the wealth under his land!

So this story is told to remind us that we must never give up our belief in ourselves. We must persevere and continue to search for the right wealth DNA or UST and work hard at digging and drilling in order to achieve our dreams.

In this way we can become rich and powerful in no time at all. I hope you like the story I shared. It gives me hope each time I want to give up on someone or on something dear.

Keep smiling and searching for your UST, who knows? The day is coming soon when you strike oil or wealth by using your UST to the fullest.

Sally Klaus
Ideas on How to Become Rich