Ideas on How to Become Rich - How to do business in China -step 3

Ideas on How to Become Rich - How to do business in China: Step 4

Hi good afternoon

There are a few more steps to the success of doing business in China.

Having secured the right partnership, we next have to be very careful in dealing with the Chinese partners. Getting partners is one thing but dealing with them is another matter altogether.

The famous saying of Sun Tzu, a military strategist who said that it is important for you to know yourself thoroughly and then you study your opponent thoroughly , you are sure of victory in every battle. This is especially so when dealing with partners and business in China.

You have to really know what and who you are dealing with. There is no level ground in China because you are a foreigner and you are subject to rules and regulations of this vast country as well as the "way of the dragon".

Well, way of the dragon means that business relationship is not a direct or one-dimensional framework kind of environment, it is a multi-faceted and a very paradoxical inclusive environment. A nod from the head or a great smile from you partner or client is not acceptance or agreement, it could be a disapproval. So if you take it literally, you might bark up the wrong tree.

Understanding your partner and your market, requires a panoramic or helicopter view of the whole situation. You need to be conscious of the social and behavioral complexity of the Chinese people.

You also have to recognise the contradictions of the various stakeholders you are dealing with and face a balance among the conflicting issues. Using Confucian ethics and socialist approach on top of embracing the demands of the market forces require any investor in China to have a great deal of wisdom and open observation of the interlocking relationships, webs of opposites and the illogical thinking of the Chinese. Never show the Chinese you are smarter than they are.

Once you are able to harness the way of the Chinese, you can then safely gain some foothold on the dragon's soil. But let me warn you that you have to get your plan B ( a contingency plan) up your sleeves first and expect the unexpected so that you are able to respond in a prepared manner.

This Step 4 is the hardest in that you really need to strike a good balance in dealing with the stakeholders , from partners to government officials and to the people you are going to deal with. The opportunities come with lots of challenges and intriguing situations that test your patience, your lifeskills and your business acumen.

So to become rich in China is not an easy path but it would be a tremendously rewarding path if you can harness the wisdom of the dragon and live like one in China. Then you are ready for the next step into the heart of the dragon.

Happy reading and cheers
Sally Klaus

Ideas on How to Become Rich