Ideas on How to Become Rich - How to do business in China -steps 7 to 10

Ideas on How to Become Rich -
How to do business in China : Steps 7 to 10

Hi good day to all. I will now share the rest of the steps from 7 to 10 so that you have the full picture of what investing in China is like.

Step 7 is an important step. Learning the Chinese Language (Mandarin) is very crucial if you want to gain a foothold into this vast territory. Since the First Emperor of China Qin decreed a common language, the Chinese commoners are unified by a common tongue although there are hundreds of different dialects and races. Even though it is easy to find interpreters and translators, it is good for you to know and understand the spoken language of the Chinese.

When you have to rely on translators, some of the meanings or ideas may be lost in transition. It is good for you to use the Chinese language especially in conversation with them to show your rapport and friendliness. Investment in learning the Mandarin language will help you vastly in securing deals because you are giving them face when you can speak their lingo.

So do not hesitate to learn Chinese now. It is the right moment to learn as China is growing steadily as a world economic power, surpassing Germany as the second largest economy in the world in 2009.

The next step would then to have a realistic business plan that is able to flexible and fluid to accommodate the whims and fancies of the Chinese people. Always expect the unexpected in China. Never assume anything because things can change suddenly. In China, anything is possible and everything can also be impossible.

Your business plan must be able to have strong fundamentals and yet flexible enough to endure any changes in the manpower, legal and social regulations that may come without warning.

The last step which is Step 10 - just do it. This is like the Nike's logo. Follow your heart and follow your instinct when doing business in China because the journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single first step. Learn as much as you can, do as much as you can and work as hard as you can - the three mottos of success in living and working in China.

That is all that I can share with you from my own personal experience of working and living in China. It is a wonderful experience because what you learned from the people is far richer than what you gained from them monetarily or financially. Of course, you become richer in both ways.
See, it is a win-win situation to be able to go into this land of opportunity.
Think about it and go for it if you can!

Good luck to your venture of finding riches in China
Sally Klaus
Ideas on How to Become Rich